Online Giving @ : You can now personally/privately manage your giving online. You can give one time amounts, set up recurring payment amounts, pay for your kid’s camp, give to the building fund etc. Simply click on the “Give” tab of our website cited above.
Text Giving: This free and convenient method of giving is a part of our online giving program. Simply text your contribution amount (ex: $50) to our exclusive Text Giving number 205-236-0734. If you are a first time text-giving donor you will be prompted to visit a secure registration link. From there it will be as easy as texting.
Mobile App Giving: You can now give through our mobile giving app, Available for both Apple and Android devices. Search for the App using “Shelbynext giving”.
After installing the app from the app store from your device, you can totally manage your giving account from your phone app.
Giving Through Your Online Banking Institution: This free and convenient method of giving is set-up through your personal online banking site by noting Bellview Baptist Church as a payee in your bank’s online banking system.